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Psycotic Pyro's Page o' Fuego!

Mmm... Fire. I like fire. It's my friend. Make it your friend on this site.

Welcome to Psychotc Pyro's Page o' Fuego!! If you
couldn't tell by my name, and the word fuego and the
orange lettering and other crap, fuego means FIRE...
(the holy force) en Espaniol. (The other holy force)
Here I will teach you about fuego (still better known
as fire) and how the spaniards speak about it and how
us Americans love it in this modern world. FUEGO ES ME
AMIGO!! (fire is my friend)

Basic Espaniol

Fuego- Fire. The base of all of the words here on
god's forsaken site. Really, really important.

Forming a fuego sentence... en Espaniol.

Unless you're legally retarded, or incompetent, this
is really really easy. The key to writing fuego
statements, is understanding them, thus first we
should annalyze one: la giena es en fuego The hen
(chicken) is on fire. La/el means "the" or "a" or
"whatever the hell you damn well please" el is really
used just to fill in the blank spots in spanish.
Almost always, a sentence starts with one of these two
words. Next comes the noun; in this case giena. Then
comes is; better known to those who hablo espaniol,
es. En means "in" or "on" and refers to the adjective,
which is obviously fuego. So to tell what is on fire,
you change giena to what ever the hell you freckin

Gato - cat (el)
Perro - dog (el)
Giena - live chicken (la)
Pollo - cooked chicken (el)
Casa - house (la)
Patalones - pants (las)
Tu - you (no el or la)
Yo - I (an odd one- yo soy en fuego, I am on fire)
Amigo - friend (mi (my))
Amigos - friends (another odd one- mi amigos son en
fuego, my friends are on fire)
Piz - pencil (la)
Guitarra - guitar (la)
Platano - banana (el)
Papas fritas - french fries (las)
uno dos tres cuatro- (used to express a number).... 1 2 3 4

That's all I really know that's funny for right
now... If you still want more check out this site,
enter the noun that you want in the box, and change
it! Remember, if it ends in "o" it's "el". If not,
it's "la".

I Love Fire

This is the "fuego es mi amigo" section. (that's fire
is my friend) I love fire don't get me wrong, however
in no means including the support of terrorism,
especially what happened on September 11, 2001. (IF
THIS PARAGRAPH!!) However I do by all means support
the pictures released by the press. I like the fire. That's the only good part. Should anyone decide to make a movie on this, they certainly won't need new footage!! However, I still do not approve of this horrible act. Although I would never do something like this, I do like fire, and therefore like the fact that a large plane exploded in a firey mess. Mmmmm.... fire. However I still cannot shake the feelings that this has truly bought upon me. Therefore I would like to dedicate this site to the victims and their families and friends, especially.